Tribute to Carnival
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Tribute to Carnival
Carnival festivities in the Solaris Naturist Camp are traditionally held on the first Saturday in August. During the seven-day carnival festivities in the Solaris Naturist Camp is a week filled with events. From the selection of a Carnival Queen to dog exhibitions, various tournaments on land and on water, dance show, folklore group performances…. Wild parties on the beach with a rich entertainment and sports program and the unavoidable offering of high quality gastronomic delicacies. Carnival week ends with a parade and selection of the most beautiful / most original mask.
Karnevalski tjedan je iznimno bogat događanjima. Od izbora kraljice karnevala, do izložbe pasa, raznih turnira na zemlji i u moru, show dance, nastup folkorne skupine…luda zabava na plaži, uz bogati zabavno-sportski program i nezaobilazna vrhunska gastronomska ponuda. Karnevalski tjedan završava mimohodom te izborom najljepše/najoriginalnije maske.